Its almost June. Top 5 reasons to be pragmatic
May 25, 2018
By Brian Nagle Top 5 Reasons To be Pragmatic about
Cooling Your Home.
1)Your Equipment is 10 years or older
Today’s high efficiency equipment is incredibly
energy efficient, reducing electric use 35-55% over existing models.
2) You call for repairs more than once a season.
Your cooling system has become less efficient and
heading for replacement.
3) Your energy use is going up.
Your cooling system is trending down in efficiency
and costing you more on a daily basis. Replacement systems start saving from
the very 1st day.
4) Some rooms in your home are too hot or too cold.
The age of your equipment, ductwork and
frequency of repairs all contribute to decreasing efficiency of your current
5) Humidity issues in your home.
Properly sizing equipment, even with a manual J,
when you have a single stage system, is engineered for an average set of
temperature and humidity characteristics. Today’s new inverter variable speed
equipment optimizes humidity removal across a much broader spectrum and can
keep a home set within a single degree all summer long. Top Contractors can
discuss the equipment options and know how to properly install these systems.
Our management team at True Mechanical has well over 100 years’ experience in all phases of heating and cooling. We offer affordable service calls and service contracts. We offer
no charge quotes on system replacements. True Mechanical is 40 years in
business and has completed over 100,000 installations on Long Island. We ask for
your input and comments. If there is an industry subject you wish to
know more about, please let us know.